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We Provide Kitchen & Bathroom Countertops in Lehi, UT

The right countertops can transform your Lehi kitchen or bathroom from ordinary to extraordinary. At Signature Marble and Granite, we specialize in custom countertops that are designed to meet your specific needs and taste. We are a locally owned and operated business, and we take pride in providing our customers with the highest quality products and services available. We offer a wide variety of countertops in the best materials, including marble, granite, and quartz. Whether you’re transforming your entire kitchen or just updating your bathroom vanity, we can help you find the perfect countertop for your home. Contact us today to learn more about our kitchen and bathroom countertops in Lehi.

Kitchen countertop Lehi, UT

Our Lehi Services

Your Lehi home should be an oasis, a place where you can relax and enjoy time with your family and friends. But if your kitchen or bathroom is outdated, it can be difficult to feel comfortable in your own home. Signature Marble and Granite offers a wide range of home services to help you transform your home into the sanctuary you’ve always wanted, including countertops, sinks, faucets, and tile installation. We’re on a mission to raise the industry standard, and we back up our quality products with quality service. Our team of craftsmen will work closely with you to ensure that your vision for your home becomes a reality.


The centerpiece of any kitchen or bathroom is the countertop. If your countertops are old, stained, or just not your style, it’s time for an update. Our team of experts can help you pick the perfect countertop material and design for your style. Whether you’re looking for quartz kitchen countertops, marble kitchen countertops, granite kitchen countertops, or even custom countertops in Lehi, you can rely on us.

Sinks & Faucets

Outdated sinks and faucets can make your entire kitchen or bathroom feel drab. To make matters worse, old faucets can rust more easily and may not work as well as they used to. Our team can help you select the perfect sink and faucet combination for your space, and we’ll even install it for you. You can choose from the most stylish options on the market, such as porcelain faucets and stainless steel faucets.

Tile Installation

Tiles can be used to create an intricate backsplash to spice up your kitchen or provide a polished floor surface to make your bathroom feel more elegant. No matter what your tile installation needs may be, our experts can help. We’ll work with you to select the perfect tile for your Lehi home and install it flawlessly. Your backsplash, shower, or floor will become the highlight of your space with our first-class stonework.

Areas We Serve

Signature Marble and Granite is proud to serve many areas of Northern Utah, including:

American Fork
Spanish Fork
Salt Lake City

Contact Us for Countertop Services in Lehi Today

If you’re ready to transform your home with new countertops, sinks, faucets, or tile, Signature Marble and Granite is ready to help. Our master craftsmen are guaranteed to elevate the look and function of your home. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about our kitchen and bathroom countertops in Lehi.


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