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Renovate Your Kitchen Without Spending a Fortune

When you want your kitchen to look luxurious, it can be tempting to overspend on high-end materials like custom countertops. But you don’t have to sacrifice style for affordability. Signature Marble and Granite, LLC carries a wide selection of cost-effective granite countertops that would look beautiful in your kitchen. Granite is a highly sought-after material, and it can work with nearly any aesthetic under the sun. Our team has delivered extraordinary results despite tight budgets, so you can trust us with your granite countertop installation. You deserve a kitchen that you adore—get in touch with our Northern Utah professionals today!

Advantages of Granite Countertops

Countertops are likely the part of your kitchen that sees the most traffic, and by extension, the most wear and tear. That’s why it’s always a good idea to invest in a highly durable countertop that will stand the test of time. If durability is key for you, you certainly can’t go wrong with granite. These countertops are known for their ability to withstand all kinds of nicks, chips, and hard hits. Other benefits of choosing granite include:

  • Resistance to scratches and chipping
  • Stands up to extreme heat
  • Affordable for the quality
  • Easy to clean
  • Comes in a full spectrum of colors
  • Fully customizable
  • Every slab is unique
  • Isn’t damaged by spills
  • Has a beautiful, sophisticated aesthetic

Maintaining Your Granite Kitchen Countertops

Granite kitchen countertops require some maintenance to ensure they remain pristine over the years. Fortunately, maintenance isn’t too difficult if you take the proper steps. At Signature Marble and Granite, LLC, we recommend our customers do the following to keep their granite in premier condition:

  • Sealing: Sealing is essential for this natural stone countertop. Granite is naturally porous, which means it can stain easily if not properly sealed. Our experts would be happy to point you to a permanent sealer that will keep your countertops free of unsightly stains. Standard sealers will protect granite for up to a year before a new coat is necessary.
  • Everyday Maintenance: Once the sealing is taken care of, simple, routine maintenance is all you’ll need to worry about. Clean up any spills as soon as possible using non-chemical dishwashing soap and warm water. Be sure to blot the spill instead of wiping, as wiping will only result in a bigger mess.

Avoid Using Harsh Cleaners

The golden rule of granite maintenance is this: no harsh cleaners. In fact, we recommend staying away from any kind of cleanser, as these chemical-filled solutions can chip away at the granite’s polish. Anything that contains acid should stay far away from your countertops. Here are a few cleaners that should never touch granite:

  • Ammonia
  • Glass cleaner
  • Bleach
  • Grout cleaner
  • Citrus cleaners
  • Disinfectants
  • Vinegar
  • Tile cleaners
  • Hydrogen peroxide

Why Northern Utah Counts on Us

Over the years, the Northern Utah community has come to trust us for exceptional bathroom and kitchen countertops. Our granite slabs are second-to-none, and we’re excited to help you find one that reflects your style and color preferences. What’s more, we offer plenty of services beyond granite. Homeowners come to us to browse marble and quartz countertops, as well as design stunning tile backsplashes. With a robust service catalog and a reputation for friendly service, it’s no wonder that Signature Marble and Granite, LLC has become a staple of the Northern Utah interior design community.

Learn More About Granite From Our Team

Are you interested in learning more about the benefits of granite countertops? Perhaps you’d just like to peruse your options. In any case, Signature Marble and Granite, LLC wants to hear from you. Our professional design team would love to learn more about your wants and needs and recommend the best countertop for your kitchen. Whether you’re in the market for granite countertops or a tile backsplash, get in touch with us.

Frequently Asked Questions About Granite Countertops

Granite countertops are the go-to for many homeowners who are searching for durability and timeless style for their kitchen and bathroom. Signature Marble And Granite has granite slabs for Northern Utah home remodeling projects. We know there are numerous countertop material options available for your home. Find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about granite. If you still have questions, our knowledgeable and experienced team will be more than happy to help.

No. Granite is a very sought-after feature for many potential homebuyers due to their durability, style, and variety of color patterns. So, whether you want a sleek, modern bathroom or an elegant yet traditional kitchen, granite is always a great choice that adds functionality and aesthetics. Their enduring popularity speaks to their timelessness and adaptability to various design preferences.

Yes. While granite is a durable natural stone, it must be sealed to protect it from daily wear and tear. Without a sealant, moisture can penetrate the stone, causing staining. A sealant also offers some protection against scratches. We recommend resealing your granite countertops every two to five years. The color, amount of use, and density of the granite all play a role in determining when to reseal. If water still beads up on the countertop, the seal is effective. However, if not, it may be time to reseal.

Granite continues to be one of the most popular countertop materials available on the market for numerous reasons:

  • Durability – Granite is one of the most durable natural stone materials available. It’s scratch and dent-resistant, making it ideal for busy kitchens, bathrooms, and outdoor kitchens.
  • Appearance – As a natural stone, each slab is completely unique. However, there is enough variety of colors, patterns, and veining, so we’re confident we can find a slab that suits your design aesthetic.
  • Increased Home Value – Many homebuyers are searching for stone countertops like granite. It’s a high-end kitchen or bathroom feature which can dramatically increase your home’s resale value.

Routine maintenance is crucial for ensuring the integrity and style of your granite countertops for decades. Here are some tips for ensuring your granite looks fantastic:

  • Daily Cleaning – Avoid using harsh chemical cleaners when wiping down your countertops. These chemicals can break down the seal coat and damage your granite. Instead, use a mild dish soap and warm water.
  • Avoid Stains – Even with a new seal coat, wiping up spills quickly is essential. Acidic liquids like cranberry juice, tomato sauce, mustard, and citrus products can cause staining.
  • Reseal Regularly – Once the sealant begins to wear down, your granite becomes much more susceptible to scratches and staining. Resealing as necessary helps keep it protected.

Yes. Granite countertops are highly heat and scratch-resistant. They can withstand high temperatures, so they are generally safe if you accidentally place hot pots and pans directly on the surface. However, we always recommend using trivets to preserve the sealant. Granite is very hard and resistant to scratches, but using cutting boards can help maintain the surface’s appearance.

There are a variety of finishes available for your home’s kitchen and bathroom. However, choosing the right one is often a matter of personal preference. A polished finish creates a mirror-like look. Honed creates a softer appearance to enhance the granite’s colors and patterns. Finally, a leathered finish provides a unique textured pattern.


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